Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[FREE] November

I am excited for the month of November. During the first weekend, I am going to Portland, Oregon, which I am really excited about because I have never been out of California. I wonder what it is going to be like there. Although I would imagine it be different than it is here, I feel as though it is going to be very similar.
During the second weekend, I am going up to UC Davis. I am going to spend the whole weekend up there, which is cool because UC Davis is my dream college at the moment. I am staying at my sister’s apartment, and she is going to show me around. We are going to Old Sac Town, which has a western theme to it. It is really cool cause it is unlike most places in California today. It is basically just a town that was never modernized. I think it is kind of cool to see how things used to be. On top of that, she is giving us a tour of the college.
Not long after that is Thanksgiving break. About time it came around. A week away from school, away from work, except that is not exactly true because teachers always assign homework. What is the point in a break if they are just going to assign us work that we would do in class? We might as well be going to school. Oh well, I would rather be doing work at home when I feel like it than waking up early and going to school. 
Goodbye October, Hello November. Except not yet.

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