Thursday, October 13, 2011

[RE] Stress & College

I was browsing through Google Reader when I came across Linde Huang’s blog.  Check out some points she made.
Time is passing. I hear everyone stressing about college. About where they want to go and what they want to be.
I completely agree with her. It is that time of year that all seniors dread and hope to never come, but time to wake up and face reality, it is time to apply for colleges and begin to think about our future. Of course we have thought about it or brushed upon it before, but we never had to make a decision that may impact us greatly. The colleges that we will be attending will determine what kind of education we receive, the type of people we run into, and what career paths will be engraved in our lives. There is the constant pressure of receiving admission into the schools that is accepted by our peers. Sometimes, it feels like we are going to a college more for them than ourselves, or at least that is how I feel.  Am I the only one who feels that way? I doubt it.
I started doing UC applications last night and it was lightweight nerve-wrecking. What I would be putting down in the applications is what will determine whether or not I will have the opportunity to attend the school in the fall. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I do not say what I should? There are so many “What if”s and “Should I”s. I wish we could skip this part of our senior year and fast forward to the time where we receive our  acceptance, or rejection, letters. The wait time between the time we enter in our applications and when we receive notice of the results will be so stressful to deal with. I just want to get it over with.

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