Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RE] Values

 Each person on this planet has different values in life. A person can value any aspect in their life that they feel is completely necessary to live their own vision of a fulfilled life. A person's values can ultimately decide the path to where their life is headed. – Kevin Jang

I completely agree with Kevin. The priorities  you have and what you value is what determines what path you go down in your life. Two people could grow up in the same environment, given the same tools and benefits, but end up in two separate places. The difference is how they choose to adapt to their environment, how they react to it, and how they use it to their benefit.

What are some of your values?

I value my time. We all have 24 hours in a day, but what we do with those twenty four hours shifts where we are headed and how far we have gone. I value my close friends. Good friends are hard to come across. It is really disappointing how many people you have to become friends with and interact with, just to realize that they were not who you thought they were and are not as dependable as you would like them to be. So, when you realize who your good friends are, hold onto them and do not take them for granted. I value trust. When I turn to people for help, or vice versa, I expect them to keep it confidential. When others turn to me, I do the same because that is what I would like. When a person really needs me, I don’t take it so lightly.

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