Thursday, September 29, 2011

[BC] Suuuper Rough Draft

Ever hear about certain situations that people have been through and how it has changed them? Ever wish you could have been there for them and prevented the resulted outcome? I have. There are so many people in our society who want to reach out for help, but cannot bring themselves to. In addition, there are those who reach out for help, but do not receive any. I would like to make a difference in someone's life in a sense that they will make the right choices that lead them towards a successful, happy life.
Growing up, I become exposed to people suffering from a variety of problems. Despite one's opinion on these problems, they were a big deal to those experiencing them. Rather than turning to someone for a solution and asking for help, they would turn to alcohol or drugs to relieve their pain. However, there are occasions where people try to get help, but it is not available to them. Rarely, some end up in a dark place, feeling completely lost, and no longer see the purpose in continuing to live their everyday lives. I wish I got to these people sooner; I wish I knew how to change the direction they were heading.
The outcome of each of these people could have been easily avoided and prevented if they had someone there for them. It disappoints me to see them adulterate themselves slowly by consuming drugs and alcohol. Nearly everything about them changes: their behavior, perspectives, speech, etc.  It is not easy to watch someone diverge, seeing how they are and how they used to be. Mind that I am not saying that the entire human population should stray away from drugs and alcohol. People should be able to control when they want to consume those substances, rather than feeling the need to.
Something about these people ignites curiosity in me. These people had a hard time finding people they could trust with their issues, such as counselors. On the other hand, some of these people may have not wanted to open up. I want to be able to recognize the signs of a struggle and persuade the subjects to inform me of their dilemma or use the context of what I have to find out. For those who have no one to turn to, I want to be able to be there for them as a sympathetic, understanding, patient listener.
Our world is filled with so many people. With our population nearing 7 billion, individuals are more likely to become overlooked. Adolescents experience more than a bearable amount of pressure. Before they take the wrong turn down the road, I would like to help them in dealing with their situation. The alcohol and drug consumption percentage among people is increasing. I would like to make these people one less statistic and reveal their true potential. People will surprise you.

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