Thursday, September 8, 2011

[Free] Work for what you want.

On top of the usual school year, I work at Bladium afterschool and on weekends. Having a job and earning money is good, isn’t it? In some ways, yes; in others, no. Every day, I have to get up at seven and go to school. After school, I have to go to work till 8. Once I get home, I have to eat dinner, shower and do homework. I wish I had more free time, but I guess that is just part of growing up. Saving up enough for all the senior events and paying for everything myself is not the most fun thing to do, but is definitely better than asking my parents for money.  
                Although it drains me out, having a job is a rewarding experience.  I love being able to get what I want because I know that I worked hard for it and I deserve it. Since I am paying for things myself, I think twice about what I spend my money on. I appreciate everything that is given to me more than I did before because I know money does not come by easily and takes time to acquire. I learned the true value of a dollar, something most teenagers these days do not understand. When I reach my goals and am capable of getting what I wanted or needed, it feels ten times better than having it given to me. The fact that I got it myself makes it that much better. Hard work pays off.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I don't have a job, and i get embarrassed sometimes, because i haven't even really tried. The chances of actually getting one in this economy is slim, because we've all got to compete with adults who need the money more than we do. But you worked hard, and it paid off in the best way. I'm jealous.
