Thursday, September 8, 2011

[RE] Kristen He's September 11:True Story

Response to Kristen He's thoughts.
We cannot totally trust that homeland security is always there to protect us, we just have to trust them that they are doing all that they can to protect us.
The coverage by the media has caused many twisted ideas and in a way has help these so-called terrorist plot even more.

            Since the occurrence of 9/11, our world has changed. People’s thoughts and views of others have been adulterated by the event. Our society is confused about whom to trust or believe. Many are unsure about whether or not the government planned the “attack.” Some believe that we were actually under attack by terrorists. This leads us to how people’s perspectives have shifted. To those who believe that the government planned the event, they no longer respect the government and the nation. To those who believe we were attacked, they may discriminate against Muslims and Arabs. A negative effect of this is that they are discriminating against a whole category when it was just a section of the category that did the damage. People assume that the fact that a group within the ethnicity represents the entire population. It is surprising how close-minded so many people are.
Well, which of the two is it? Was it the government or terrorists who attacked us? People are making conclusions on something we will never have enough evidence for. How do we know? We do not. Despite the numerous discussions on this topic, we will never truly know what the intentions of the attack on September 11, 2001. It is scary how the government can do so much damage to its country without anybody finding out and getting away with it. Our entire nation trusts a group of people to govern us and make sure everything runs smoothly. How are we so sure that they will keep us safe? Ignorance is bliss? I disagree.

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