Friday, September 30, 2011

[CE] Passionate Player

I was looking through Google Reader when I came across this video on this incredible rugby player.

Six-and-a-half years ago under-21 England rugby player Matt Hampson was paralysed from the neck down while taking part in a scrum. However, despite the horrific injury he refused to turn away from the sport and decided to raise money for others who have suffered sporting injuries. Al Jazeera's Lee Wellings reports.
I have never loved something so much that I would refuse to pull away from it even after a serious injury. I can only imagine how Matt Hampson feels. First off, I would like to reiterate how he was paralyzed from the neck down for participating in the rugby match. Before I was allowed to take part in the Alameda Islanders Rugby Club, I had to sign papers that said that I was aware of the possible injuries that could happen during a game. Although they listed serious injuries, I thought of them as rare occasions that almost never happen, yet here is a story of a man to whom it was occurred to and who is helping others affected by those problems as well.
I find it really inspiring that he continues to place himself in the rugby environment. On top of that, he is placing his attention on those who have been seriously injured by sports. If I were placed in his situation, I would not want to look at rugby anymore. I would blame rugby for my injury and convince myself that it would have been best if I never took part in it at all. I admire him for turning his experience into inspiration for others and helping those in need.

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