Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[FREE] "Hate to burst your bubble but..."

               It bugs me when there is always that one person who always has to be right. No matter what the topic is, that person feels the need to put in their opinion and argue that it is the correct way to approach the situation. Let’s say, for example, someone says that the sun is a million miles away when it is actually a billion miles away. That person would feel the need to correct that mistake and lord it over them. Was it necessary? No. When we correct people, we are making them feel smaller than they are. What we are doing is making ourselves feel more important at the expense of someone else. Will it make a difference in their lives how many miles we are from the sun? No. Will it make a difference in our lives? No. Then, we might as well let them believe that the sun is millions of miles away.
                Ever have an amazing experience or accomplishment that you were excited to tell one of your friends? Course, we all have those. Ever have the other person rain on your parade? Ever have them feel the need to top your story time after time? Really now? Couldn’t they have just let you have your moment? I was reading a book and it said that most of us are just trying to impress the other person. Well, it was discovered that the most effective way of impressing the other person is letting them know that you are impressed by them. Other responses will make that person think that “you are a fool who doesn’t know his way around.” Just a thought.

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