Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] Gay Soldiers

Did you know that the U.S. lifted the ban on gay soldiers ?
Military recruiters are now accepting enlistment applications from openly gay people, Little said.
The law had allowed gay men and women to serve in the military only if they kept their sexual orientation a secret.
Previously,  gay people were not allowed to enlist in the military if they were open about their homosexuality. Why? Keeping it a secret does not change the fact that they are gay. Keeping it a secret does not improve the overall performance of the army. If anything, forcing soldiers to silence their voices and hide their sexualities would adulterate their performance because they are emotionally distressed.  Would people turn their backs to soldiers because they are gay?
Although there are people in society who are still opposed to the gay community, wouldn’t they still have respect for the soldiers because they are risking  their lives each and every day for the safety of the nation? Doesn’t that count for something? There are many in our nation who would not be willing to join the military and feel that the safety of our nation is not as valuable or important as that of their own lives. These men and women stepped up to the plate and took initiative. Gay or not, they are contributing towards a bigger cause. We should admire them despite their sexuality.
It is good to see that America is slowly accepting gay people, providing them with more rights and freedom. Many no longer have to hide how they feel because it is becoming more and more respectable. It takes a lot of courage to open up to everybody, admitting how one is homosexual, because we know that some will be more inclined to subject against them.

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