Thursday, September 15, 2011

[RE] Through Thick & Thin

 It's crazy how fast these years has been. We came to AHS not knowing anything about high school and then experienced our high school football games during Friday nights, finally having off campus lunch, representing our class during Homecoming, meeting new people, attending all the school events, and watching the Seniors leave every year... and finally, this year is our year.-Kristen He
When people say that you see your life go by in a blink of an eye, they really mean it. Time flies. Most of us go into high school not knowing how the four years will pass before they know it. Many would hear that high school is four years and think it is a long time; it really is not. When I was a freshman, I thought to myself, “Great, I’m stuck here for another four years. I’m gonna get sick of this place within the next year or so.” Funny thing is, the exact opposite happened. I was never exactly bored. Sure, sometimes I did wish there was more to do around, but I was always caught up in the moment of what was going on.
                Just as Kristen mentioned, she has learned a lot in high school, such as who her true friends were. High school is a place much larger than you are used to population-wise. With the new pool of personalities, people definitely have to adjust to being around each other and dealing with conflicting behavior. However, there can be a rewarding experience, although it may not be the easiest to go through. After all the fights and disagreements, we find out who will always be there and who will not. We learn how to distinguish between the genuine people from everybody else. To me, the results of that experience are so valuable. It is hard to come across someone who will always be there you.

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